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Painting the grass green!

by Mark Willis on 22 August, 2012

Many years ago when I worked for the MOD I was told of a royal visit to a RAF base in a drought, the grass had turned that depressing brown colour you get in a drought and everything was looking baked and parched, so the RAF in its infinite wisdom got the cadets to paint the grass green, can’t disappoint the Royals after all.

The only reason I mention this story is that it seems that Bucks CC are in the process of doing something similar, the pavements directly around Stoke Mandeville Stadium are getting a makeover, now I’m not saying that they don’t need work, all pavements in Aylesbury that haven’t  been repaired need work but there are areas around the stadium that REALLY need repairing, take Harvey Road or  Barnard Crescent for instance, the surface is so cracked and rutted it looks like a turner prize entry, given the number of older residents in the area as well as the disabled maybe these roads should have been a priority for resurfacing work?

The Stadium has had lots of work carried out too, you can see the new crossings and white lines in the car park in the picture above, what is more disappointing was the amount of general rubbish and litter around the site, I do hope it gets cleaned up before the lighting ceremony, I’d like to see Stoke Mandeville and Aylesbury looking at its best when the eyes of the world are upon it.

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