Archive for the ‘News’ Category

Homeless and Cold in Aylesbury

by Mark Willis on 16 January, 2013

  As we all know it’s pretty cold at the moment and more snow is on the way , but suppose that you’re homeless, stuck out on the streets of Aylesbury with nowhere to spend the night, well fortunately there  is a charity providing a night shelter for you to go to, spend the night get some […]

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Fracking right or wrong?

by Mark Willis on 13 January, 2013

So the Tories are allowing Gas/Oil Fracking to resume, the brilliant new idea from the Cons is to allow a debatable way of extracting gas and oil to power our homes for the next 30 years. This decision is at best questionable, Fracking has brought headlines of doom and disaster, or as a saint and […]

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A short walk in Bedgrove

by Mark Willis on 12 September, 2012

I’ve been out for a dog walk and Blackberry pick today, sadly the blackberries are pretty poor this year, probably won’t have enough for jam but that’s nature for you. On the walk we went past the site of the former Bedgrove Park teen shelter, it’s really sad that this had to be removed but […]

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Painting the grass green!

by Mark Willis on 22 August, 2012

Many years ago when I worked for the MOD I was told of a royal visit to a RAF base in a drought, the grass had turned that depressing brown colour you get in a drought and everything was looking baked and parched, so the RAF in its infinite wisdom got the cadets to paint the grass […]

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Olympic Thoughts

by Mark Willis on 12 August, 2012

I am writing this post on the last day of the London Olympics 2012, there is Modern Pentathlon show jumping on the TV, this morning I watched the men’s Marathon, I’m pretty much as Olympic as it is possible to be. The last 2 weeks have been fantastic; I and my family have managed to […]

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Bit of a shame, Vandalised already

by Mark Willis on 27 June, 2012

I applaud the effort of the team who have redecorated the tunnel under the railway bridge between Elm Farm Road and Guttmann Road, but sadly it hasn’t taken long for the idiots to move in to adjust what was intended and try to ruin it. If you do know who is responsible please contact Thames […]

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It’s been a while

by Mark Willis on 20 June, 2012

Sorry I’ve not been posting  much on here lately, but I’m back now and will try and post regularly. Mark

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Jardines another loss for Aylesbury

by Mark Willis on 23 September, 2011

So planning permission has been granted for the conversion of Jardines Bowling centre into a shop, I don’t normally do this but I’m going to quote a Tory Councillor, Tom Hunter-Watts, from his comment on the Bucks Herald website, “It became clear that Jardines had no future as a business”, now having sat upon the […]

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Bedgrove Park teen shelter, update

by Mark Willis on 23 August, 2011

A quick update for you on the damaged teen shelter in Bedgrove Park, the damage has been repaired, the floor and roof have been patched, and a new panel of plywood fixed onto the side. The council cannot afford to keep repairing the shelter, so take care of it, or you will lose it, given […]

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On a day when Bedgrove park was once again given a green flag, at a meeting of the Neighbourhood Action Group  residents talking to Councillors and the Police – we discussed the vandalism and mindless destruction of the Bedgrove Teenage Shelter. This mindless destruction could well lead to the shelter being removed from the park, […]

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