Archive for the ‘Local Issues’ Category

Homeless and Cold in Aylesbury

by Mark Willis on 16 January, 2013

  As we all know it’s pretty cold at the moment and more snow is on the way , but suppose that you’re homeless, stuck out on the streets of Aylesbury with nowhere to spend the night, well fortunately there  is a charity providing a night shelter for you to go to, spend the night get some […]

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Painting the grass green!

by Mark Willis on 22 August, 2012

Many years ago when I worked for the MOD I was told of a royal visit to a RAF base in a drought, the grass had turned that depressing brown colour you get in a drought and everything was looking baked and parched, so the RAF in its infinite wisdom got the cadets to paint the grass […]

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While out for a walk today delivering the Bedgrove Focus, I came across the roadworks being carried out along Long Meadow and about time too, the only problem I have with these necessary works is that they don’t go far enough, like much of BCC work they are not going far enough as they are only […]

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Jardines another loss for Aylesbury

by Mark Willis on 23 September, 2011

So planning permission has been granted for the conversion of Jardines Bowling centre into a shop, I don’t normally do this but I’m going to quote a Tory Councillor, Tom Hunter-Watts, from his comment on the Bucks Herald website, “It became clear that Jardines had no future as a business”, now having sat upon the […]

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Bedgrove Park teen shelter, update

by Mark Willis on 23 August, 2011

A quick update for you on the damaged teen shelter in Bedgrove Park, the damage has been repaired, the floor and roof have been patched, and a new panel of plywood fixed onto the side. The council cannot afford to keep repairing the shelter, so take care of it, or you will lose it, given […]

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Aylesbury Town Council, No Tax rise this year

by Mark Willis on 15 January, 2011

At the last meeting of Aylesbury Town Council (13th Jan 2011) we discussed the budget for 2011/2012, the proposal was for no increase in the precept & was carried so your Town Council bill will remain the same as 2010/2011. My colleague Cllr Kevin Peters took a different view, and asked for an increase of […]

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In defence of Aylesbury Town Council

by Mark Willis on 10 October, 2010

Recently in the Bucks Herald there was a letter from a Tory Councillor on Aylesbury Town Council, AVDC & BCC, who was having a go at the Liberal Democrats for apparently wasting money and not serving the town, so I thought that the rubbish he was talking couldn’t go without reply. He stated that the council offices have had improvements, […]

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Rayners Hedge closure

by Mark Willis on 1 October, 2010

Steven Lambert the Liberal Democrat candidate for the General Election outside Rayners Hedge   Today Friday 1st October should be a sad day for residents of Aylesbury, today is the day that the NHS closes Rayners Hedge, this is the Brain injury rehabilitation center in Croft Road, the center is being closed and moved to […]

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A bad day for the vulnerable in Bucks

by Mark Willis on 5 August, 2010

Today’s decision to slash £9.2 million pounds from the Buckinghamshire County Councils budget is a hammer blow for many of our poorest and most vulnerable citizens,the Tories have had the grant from central government reduced by £3 million, but have been running an organisation that has wasted so much of our valuable council tax money […]

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Protests & false accusations

by Mark Willis on 26 March, 2010

   On Friday 26th March the Aylesbury Liberal Democrats protested outside the opening of the new council chamber The Oculus at the AVDC offices The Gateway, a noisy group attended to show how angry we are at what is in our opinion a complete waste of council tax payers money. In our opinion there was […]

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