Archive for the ‘News’ Category

Well folks I’m back and raring to go

by Mark Willis on 15 August, 2011

Following the election in May, where unfortunatly I lost my seat on Aylesbury Town Council I decided to take my mind off of politics for a while, the disapointment of losing my seat while being (at least in my eyes) a hard working ward councillor was hard to take, I know the old saying that […]

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Arla Concerns

by Mark Willis on 31 January, 2011

Many people in the town are concerned about the proposed Arla Dairy plant on the A41 at Aston Clinton. Some are worried about the plant itself but most are worried about the traffic. However, I suspect everyone welcomes the much needed jobs that this plant could bring if it is built. So, the Town Council […]

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Aylesbury Town Council, No Tax rise this year

by Mark Willis on 15 January, 2011

At the last meeting of Aylesbury Town Council (13th Jan 2011) we discussed the budget for 2011/2012, the proposal was for no increase in the precept & was carried so your Town Council bill will remain the same as 2010/2011. My colleague Cllr Kevin Peters took a different view, and asked for an increase of […]

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Spend Spend Spend…Tax payers’ money

by Mark Willis on 12 January, 2011

    So they have done it, AVDC Tories have decided to borrow money to build a hotel, & supermarket and offices, moving all the AVDC staff out of the town centre down to the Gateway, once again damaging the town centres lunchtime economy.   Let’s get this straight, I like Waitrose, I like the […]

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In defence of Aylesbury Town Council

by Mark Willis on 10 October, 2010

Recently in the Bucks Herald there was a letter from a Tory Councillor on Aylesbury Town Council, AVDC & BCC, who was having a go at the Liberal Democrats for apparently wasting money and not serving the town, so I thought that the rubbish he was talking couldn’t go without reply. He stated that the council offices have had improvements, […]

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Rayners Hedge closure

by Mark Willis on 1 October, 2010

Steven Lambert the Liberal Democrat candidate for the General Election outside Rayners Hedge   Today Friday 1st October should be a sad day for residents of Aylesbury, today is the day that the NHS closes Rayners Hedge, this is the Brain injury rehabilitation center in Croft Road, the center is being closed and moved to […]

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Tring Road updates

by Mark Willis on 25 September, 2010

There have been quite a few issues raised recently about Tring Road. The poor state of the repairs undertaken by the utility companies has been felt by many residents, literally. The uneven repairs have caused extra vibrations giving concern about long term structural damage. County Councillor Jenny Puddefoot and Cllr Glenda Reynolds have taken up […]

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A bad day for the vulnerable in Bucks

by Mark Willis on 5 August, 2010

Today’s decision to slash £9.2 million pounds from the Buckinghamshire County Councils budget is a hammer blow for many of our poorest and most vulnerable citizens,the Tories have had the grant from central government reduced by £3 million, but have been running an organisation that has wasted so much of our valuable council tax money […]

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Election Choices

by Mark Willis on 4 May, 2010

When you are in the ballot box tomorrow, just think before putting your X in the box next to Mr Lidington.   Q. Will his party reform the tax system in our country so that it is fair. A. No the Tories will give a tax break to millionaires . ONLY the Liberal Democrats will […]

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Protests & false accusations

by Mark Willis on 26 March, 2010

   On Friday 26th March the Aylesbury Liberal Democrats protested outside the opening of the new council chamber The Oculus at the AVDC offices The Gateway, a noisy group attended to show how angry we are at what is in our opinion a complete waste of council tax payers money. In our opinion there was […]

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